This proposal establishes a formal decision-making process with three tiers of decisions to ensure all voices are heard and power is distributed evenly.


The proposal outlines a 3-tier decision-making process for the ANANSI Revolutionary Collective. The three tiers represent degrees of support required from the community for approval. Proposals will be hosted on Notion. The goals are to distribute power evenly, ensure all voices are heard, and promote transparency. In summary, this proposal aims to solve a lack of formal process and benefit the collective with an inclusive, equitable, transparent process.

In my mind, right now we need a basic decision making process that we can expand upon later when we have more capacity to think through governance structures. My initial pitch is:

Problem Statement

Something that I think is crucial for the advancement of our collective is for us to formalize our protocol, specifically around decision making, so that we all have a say and power does not consolidate around the OGs and the their associates.

The problem I want to address is the lack of a formalized decision-making process within our collective. Without clear processes around how we make decisions, especially those that significantly impact the group, power dynamics can emerge that privilege certain voices and perspectives over others. Formalizing a decision-making process helps ensure that we are practicing the values of inclusion, equity, and transparency that we hold dear.

Goals and Objectives

Proposed Approach

To achieve these goals, I propose the following approach: